Inertive Fashion Trends


Inconsistent fashion trends that are often self-proclaimed as the “in” thing in town don’t really go out of style, they just change from season to season. I’ve seen more absurd fashion trends come and go through the years, some are even “retro” now. A few decades ago, boy shorts were all the rage, but now there are so many choices that you can’t even name all the current trends! The current obsession with skinny jeans is pretty wild. It seems that designers have finally figured out that women no longer want to look like a mannequin anymore and they’re making more skin-tight and fashionable pieces.

But the fashion industry isn’t the only one having a tough time keeping up with changing times. Teenagers in particular have a hard time accepting any kind of tradition, much less a long-standing fashion trend. Many teens want to be rebels, but when they see their favorite celebrities sporting the same clothes as the “mainstream”, it can be frustrating. When teens try on the latest trends, they often get very embarrassed because they think they look silly. As a result, they’re constantly picking and choosing new things to wear and often end up wearing the same old thing day after day.

Fashion gurus point out that this type of behavior is completely normal, especially among teenagers. For one thing, most teenagers love to imitate the things they see on television and in magazines, and they feel that this is a way to get the world to accept them. In fact, many teens wouldn’t mind if society didn’t accept their preferences; they’d just do what they wanted and be whoever they wanted to be. This explains why there are always bizarre fashion trends that seem to never go out of style.
